Market Notes
July 26, 2018


We have finally settled in from our somewhat complex transition. Fingerlings are in steady supply on both coasts and product will remain steady until late September. At that time our product from the San Luis Valley will have completed its sweat and be ready for packing. With the elimination of the freight from New Mexico we will be able to drop our price a few bucks and that will hold us until May. Colored fingerlings and mixes will be available to load for east coast distribution next week. In other potato news we have some great deals on pee-wee and “B” sized potatoes. Pee-wee (true 2” and under fingerlings), are usually rough to come by. We happen to have an abundance of yellow pee-wee at this moment with product available in Colorado, California and Oregon. This will settle down in a few weeks so if you are interested, jump in fast. Same goes for our super “B” deal. This one is California only but if you use “B” size rounds, we have silly, silly, (did we mention silly) good prices on red, white and yellow. Packed in fifty pound boxes, mixes and smaller packs are available. The round “B” potatoes load out of Bakersfield with overnight consolidation to LA. Please check with your Culinary rep for details.


chili pepper by any another name would still smell the same? Well, yes, perhaps. The Hatch Valley of New Mexico is in season with their famous peppers. This initiates parties, festivals, menu changes, retail specials and traditional recipe revival. Not unlike the Ramp insanity the Hatch chili is perhaps more exclusive as it holds a bit of provenance like champagne. At their mildest, Hatch chilies are not unlike an Anaheim pepper in shape and heat. But similarities end there as the Hatch chili has five distinct points of harvest and flavor. From the smoky green to the fiery red and everything in between, this chili is roasted stewed, pickled, stuffed, sliced, deep-fried and added to apple pie. And yes, there is even a Hatch chili ice-cream. This is a brief season, about four to six weeks. You can most likely buy them in the Hatch Valley of New Mexico as they fall from the skies this time of year but we are offering 25# cases of the hot and extra hot varieties shipping out of Los Angeles.


Our spring program begins with fresh Ramps and end with fresh Morels. So, it is with seasonal sadness the report we have a week or so at best of fresh morel mushroom remaining. So if you are looking to dry, freeze, preserve, or eat now, place orders now or wait until next year.


My top is green to make the scene, and although I fight my bottom is always white. I’m long and slender, but not real tender, so I won’t make the cut as a fines herbes member. I am the cibol, from Siberia but I’m not so hot as to cause hysteria. My cousins are round and dug from the ground, or very thin and hot within. Some are sweet and cool to eat, but I’m the one who’s rolled for fun. If you need some help with your hunches I’m here to inform you I’m sold in bunches. In omelets, salads, and soups I’m fine, and you can also brush or flower me anytime. In vinaigrettes I make a splash, but use me at the end so I don’t turn to trash. In pasta salad and seafood too, with all my vitamins I’m good for you. With vitamins C, A and potassium to spare, one drink of my juice will have your intestines in good repair. On sour cream often chopped on top, on nacho platters I hit the spot!


Answer To Last Week’s Quiz:…EGGPLANT…Congrats To All Winners

Call 908-789-4700 –Lisa or Richard– Fax 908-789-4702
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Culinary Specialty Produce, Inc., 2015