Market Notes
  November 19, 2015



Okay, we were wrong. While it was the right time to get out of Salinas as decided by the rain and the cold, the beautiful Yuma farms could not keep up with the demands of the early departure. The growth is incredibly slow due to nighttime temperatures in the low thirties and the temps during the day no higher than seventy degrees. Then you have the shorter days, some frost and the growing is slow. This week’s allocations were an indication of the weeks ahead except they did not reflect the price increase. If you were able to get loaded this week you got the old price. Look for spinach on the high jump and mesclun and its components on the broad jump. Most important, order early and have your truck there early. It’s going to be a rough couple weeks. Volume drops Thanksgiving week and hopefully with the predicted rise in temperatures, the fields can catch up. One final note, good value BMX won’t be available until the end of the month.


The global headquarters of Culinary Specialty Produce will be closed on Thursday 11-26-2015, in celebration of Thanksgiving. In fact, we will shut down Wednesday when the work is done and you know we’ll make that happen by noon. We will resume normal operations on Friday 11-27-2015 through 12-1-2015. On Wednesday, 12-2-2015 our global headquarters will once again be closed as we will all be in attendance at the New York Produce Show, Javitz Center booth 319. Regular business hours resume once again on Thursday 12-4-2015. Now that we’ve laid all that out, our main number will be forwarded to our California office so there will always be an employee answering the phone 24/7 while our main offices are closed. In other words, nothing really changes. So enjoy your holiday, come see us at the show and know that there is always an answer at 908-789-4700.


After the holiday and the show we are entering into a new program of bringing in snow peas and snap peas grower direct from Mexico. We have seen some outstanding quality and the logistics seem to be reasonable. This is a pallet quantity only program and the loading is FOB the dock of your choice in Los Angeles. This is not a speculation program. Product is picked and packed to order. No storage in Mexico and no storage in LA. It’s as close to from field to fridge as you can get. Details on this exciting new program to follow, Please stay tuned.


I begin green with envy but turn red with fire. Cultivated in the Veneto region of Italy dating back to the 1500’s, Italy is still my largest producer. While Southern France has also been known to fill their fields with me I am also becoming a favorite along America’s West Coast, as well as excited farmers in Central America. My wine-red leaves are striking when contrasted with my creamy white ribs. I must have cool nights to achieve my appealing color. If I am kept completely in the dark I fail to achieve my full red stature and my head of leave becomes marbled in pink. With limited light I get a patchy green or copper color. I’m really happy with warm days and cool nights, so leave me that way and I’ll glow for you, OK? People like my tight compact head, and it seems the heavier the better. My bitter flavor contrasts well in fresh green salads but it’s tough to get a whole leaf of me unless you pick from my center. I am also good as a vessel for chicken, shrimp, potato, rice or fruit salads and I can brighten up any stir-fry. When poached I become a bit softer, but the trade off is loss of color. I have also been found in pasta dishes, omelets, or halved and charred on the grill. Know to stimulate appetite and as a diuretic, I contain folic acid, potassium, and vitamin C.

Answer To Last Quiz….PINEAPPLE……Congrats To All Winners
Call 908-789-4700 –Lisa, Mark or Richard– Fax 908-789-4702
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Culinary Specialty Produce, Inc., 2015