Market Notes
April 13, 2017


Though some would argue, Verlin Rockey is probably the father of the fingerling potato. Recognizing early that the russet potato was going to be overgrown, Verlin began growing new varieties in the San Luis Valley while developing his own breeding lab that tests hundreds of new hybrid varieties every year. Verlin, along with his brother founded Rockey Farms which has now branched off to include White Rock Specialties. Verlin also began the process of soil restoration with a simple phrase; “take care of the soil and the soil will take care of the plant.” One generation later this has proven to be true through the successful expansion of biotic farming. Verlin was also a mentor for Culinary Specialty Produce. He took a chance on a new company handling his entire crop exclusively. He was by our side in good times and bad and is largely responsible for the growth and success of Culinary. That is just the farming side of Mr. Rockey. His attributes go far beyond that. Verlin was very special man. His tall stance, rough looks and huge hands were in stark contrast to his soft voice and brilliance. Being in his presence created a sense of warmth and happiness that was just short of magic. . He brought out the calm and the peacefulness in those around him and that is a very special gift, especially in our business. Spending time with Verlin was a gift. Reflecting on time spent with Verlin you recognize that you were in the presence of a special aura, be it empathy, compassion or understanding, this was good for your health. As a children’s teacher, his lessons went far beyond that, touching everyone he came in contact with. Verlin Rockey changed the culture at Culinary and it was all for the better. His influence will be with us forever, and is practiced everyday as we continue to work with his surviving family. While he certainly will be physically missed, he remains in our hearts, spirit and actions every day. Verlin Rockey was a learned influential soul and Culinary is lucky to have crossed his path. He lives his dash both beautifully and elegantly.


So, now that we have praised the man who brought these opportunities to us, we must admit to one case of totally screwing it up. Our latest truckload of fingerling potatoes set for forward distribution arrived with sprouts, missing a crucial step in running, washing and loading; the sprout nip. So, for those of you on the east coast looking for a deal and are will to knock off a few tiny sprouts, have we got a deal for you. For everyone else on the east coast, we will not have new product until 4-21-2017. To cover we can offer loading in Edison California where we will be digging new crop next week. We can load FOB in Edison, or deliver to your favorite consolidation dock in Los Angeles or San Francisco. Please contact your Culinary rep for eastern deals of western crop on wheels.


I am the flavor. Others are jealous. They call me misfit, fat, short and stubby. But when it comes to taste they know who’s boss. My immediate family has origins in the Baltic Regions of Russia, and South America. It is sad but most likely true that I arrived in the United States in a horse’s feed bag from France.. From these most humble beginnings it’s somewhat hard to believe that my pinkish-red skin would dazzle taste buds several generations later. It is also true that when compared to my siblings, I am rounder, and shorter. OK I admit it, I’m not exactly what my variety implies. While my smooth, moist yellow flesh is a showstopper on its own, eaters are consistently amazed with my interior streaking of pink. And my flavor, Oh, that nutty, rich, earthy flavor just can’t be beat. This makes me possibly the prettiest and tastiest tuber on the planet. As if all that is not enough, I hail from France, so good taste and good looks are simply natural to me. Best when baked whole and consumed warm for maximum flavor, I can also be roasted, steamed, grilled, fried, and sautéed, to reveal my creamy flesh and nutty flavor. No butter, sour cream, or bacon bits are needed on me, I’ll shine plain and simple. Keep me cool and dry and I will last a season or two. Get me wet and warm and I’ll grow purple tipped eyes to watch you. An excellent source of potassium, and when fresh a good source of vitamin C. I also contain good amounts of copper, folic acid, magnesium, and iron.

Answer To Last Week’s Quiz…SEA KALE…Congrats To All Winners
Call 908-789-4700 –Lisa or Richard– Fax 908-789-4702
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Culinary Specialty Produce, Inc., 2015