Market Notes
February 7, 2018

RED (again)
Roses and endive and young beets with tops. Orchids and apples are some of our crops. Radicchio, lollo, red oak and mustard.  So many red things it must seem absurd.  Tomatoes, potatoes, Swiss chard and confetti. Watercress, currants, let’s not forget cherry.  Raspberries, carrots, romaine lettuce and plum. For Valentine’s day make sure to get some.  Strawberries, apples, onions and cabbage.  Corn and sweet peppers and rhubarb to package. Radishes, grapes, and some chili peppers to, give us a call and we’ll load it for you.  For the red day, cook the red way, don’t let your lover down. Just buy all the red fruits and veggies instead and the heart of your love will be found.

                                             OFF-SHORE AND A LITTLE BIT MORE

While most of the country is experiencing some unusually cold temperatures we thought it a good time to update you with some produce news from warmer climates. Asparagus are gapping from Peru which is typical this time of year so Mexico is the bulk of the deal, serving both coasts. Supply is steady on all sizes except jumbo where production has slowed due to colder than expected temperatures. Both snow peas and snap peas from Guatemala are available in good volume and quality is excellent. Same with the baby squash from the same region. Demand for French beans is up and our supply from Guatemala can’t completely keep up and is reflected in the price.  Quality is great and production will increase within the next few weeks. Blackberries from Guatemala are the buy right now as the availability of the Raspberries are reduced by the weather as well. Chile has the blues with Mexico as a backup while the Florida harvest is delayed.  Orange and rainbow carrots are in steady supply with great pricing. Brazil is strong with papayas while Peru will be weak on mangos through February. Baby lettuce from Peru is getting stronger but we still can’t get all we want. Volume is increasing weekly. Finally, on the domestic side, Yellow tomatoes have begun harvest in Florida and the harvest is steadily and successfully moving up the coast.  There appears to be extra volume this year so we can fill orders we were unable to in the past.  Three sizes available and there is great pricing on load volume. Please call for details.

       I’m originally from the Andes (but I’m not a fingerling potato).  I hitched to New Zealand from South America and they gave me my marketing name in the ‘60’s (but I’m not a Kiwi or Feijoa).  I can be whatever you want: I’m a bitter fruit or a sweet vegetable; I smell like an apricot or a tomato; I’ve the consistency of a firm plum or soft eggplant.  And, want me you will, with my elegant stem, my satin skin in deep purple, red, orange or yellow, my lush deep blush flesh with purple whorls and edible seeds. If you take me home, treat me to a boiling bath for a few minutes, so I can easily slip out of my skin, cradle me like an egg, and be careful when cutting me fresh, I’ll leave stains for sure.  You’ll need to peel me and I’m quite bitter about it, and you’ll probably prefer to cook me, since few like my fresh attitude.  I’m best heavily dosed with sugar or citrus and add intrigue to compotes and chutneys, salsas, relishes, sweet and savory sauces. I must tell you that I’m low in calories (around 19 a piece) with vitamins A&C, calcium, potassium, phosphorus, sodium, and magnesium.  Would you know me if I tell you that I’m on a subtropical shrub grown as a houseplant for years?

Answer to last weeks quiz…ARTICHOKE…Congratulations to all winners!

Call 908-789-4700 –Lisa or Richard– Fax 908-789-4702
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Culinary Specialty Produce, Inc., 2015