Market Notes May 11th, 2023



    Every time we travel to the Bakersfield area we come back astounded by what we have learned.  This past visit was no different. We’ll get back to that later, here’s the lead.  There is going to be a yellow potato gap, but it is going to be very short. This may change but here is how it looks today.  On the west coast we are sold out of yellow fingerlings, but we do have mixed fingerlings available.  The soonest we will see yellows back in LA  is  May 25th. For the east coast we have one last load leaving Oregon this coming Monday and arriving on  May 20th.  Next arrival after that is expected for June 5th.  So, a one-to-two-week gap seems imminent. Mix will be available to cover but that will dry up very quickly as well. We also learned the reason for the delay is cool weather. The lower temperatures slow down growth so this year’s crop is expected to be on the small side. It is also the reason the harvest is late.  The better news is we are past any rain damage and quality looks excellent. Some product is already suberizing, some waiting to be dug, but all product has been killed and will be out of the ground by June first. Then we will know yields. That’s why most people are saying yellows are out until mid-June, but we hope to get there a little earlier.  Now, back to the teaser. This year, for the first time we actually have a contract for yellow fingerlings. It will not cover all our needs, but it is the first year and if it goes well, we will increase next year to cover.  This is a great opportunity for Culinary to increase its quality, availability, and hopefully impress our customers and the grower. Now back to the teaser.  While we thought we were finally keeping up with the competition, we found out on this trip that the competition and my contract grower now have the same grandparents.  It was a recent acquisition. Now, the grandparents will do the growing for both.  If all that is too cryptic, call for details or know that investors are buying up ag operations.  Start with Grimmway and go from there, we’ll see you on the other side.  


   The Organic Produce Summit (OPS) is scheduled for July 12-13 this year at the Monterey Conference Center in Monterey, California. While we will be too busy following your orders to attend the day sessions or the trade show, our California office is a mere 45 minutes north an Route1 and we would love to meet for a drink or a bite. We can tell you wonderful stories about the non-handler/handler process and that we are in the process of getting certified to say the organic without getting fined.  Beyond silly rules we can seriously talk about what was what we called biotic and now coined as “regenerative farming,”  which is having a greater impact with less regulation, not to mention Pepsi’s billion-dollar commitment to it. The “Take care of the soil and the soil will take care of the plant” mantra is coming to fruition faster than we expected. If you are planning to be in town for the show and would like to meet please reach out.  If you are coming early or staying late and are interested in field trip, we would love the honor of escorting you to the greatest stone fruit grower on this planet.  


  I am a perennial plant grown for my rhizomes which originated in either China or Japan.  Three decades after Admiral Perry’s visit, I made the scene in Europe, when commercial farming began in 1887.  Although I am named after a village in France not far outside of Paris, Sully-sur-Loire was ground zero for me.  Related to the mint family, I look or taste nothing like mint.  When first dug and cleaned I have a white skin, but with constant exposure to oxygen I turn brown as I dry out.  I look like a short string of fat beads which accounts for my nickname, knotroot.  It is very important not to overcook me as my delicate taste will completely disappear.   To enhance my flavor, I can be soaked or peeled before cooking. The term a la Japonaise means garnished with me.  I have been seen marinated in French dressing or served with tomatoes and watercress. I am high in carbs and sugar.  

The answer to last weeks quiz was….SUNFLOWER… Congrats to all winners.

Call 908-789-4700 –Lisa or Richard– Fax 908-789-4702 Visit us at “like” us @ Culinary Specialty Produce on Facebook© Culinary Specialty Produce, Inc., 2020