Market Notes September 30th, 2021



Novelty fruit is cool, admit it. We might not want to eat a Durian, Monstera, Dragon Fruit or Snake Fruit, but you can’t deny they look amazing.  Finger Limes not only look awesome they really do have a wonderful sweet/tart flavor. Novelty fruit with teeth if you will.  You are certainly aware of the many uses of the Finger Limes, and we are not here to add to that. But we do have a deal to offer.  We have a small crop of our own Finger Limes to sell. They load in Edison, Ca. can ship Fed-Ex or we can send them to LA with an overnight carrier for about eighty bucks. Here’s the cool part. These fruits load where we load our potatoes in California so they can ride freight free with no minimum amounts.  They can be packed in one-pound red net bags or sold in ten-pound bulk. Pricing will be very competitive, and we will pick to order when we can. Sometimes, you just have to get them before they drop. Finger Limes still remain a pain to pick (titanium style stickers), illusive in their fruiting, and varied in their yield, but they are here now and available starting next week. Call for details.  


After speaking with Joan Avila, secretary of the USDA Agricultural Marketing Service or the National Organic Program, we were made aware of a September 29, 2021 deadline for comments on the Strengthening Organic Enforcement regulations.  We are pleased to announce that we got our 5000 words in before the deadline. We were not able to get a timeline of when this revision will be approved, adjusted, or just rejected. The guess is by the first of the year with a 12-month compliance period. Our guess is if the new regulations go into effect as written and are enforced the way it is explained, a lot of produce players are going to be stunned while certifiers are going to be dancing naked in the streets.  


So, summer slithered away, and fall fell into place, prepare to change your clocks.   Berries become pears and pomegranates, and oranges become apples. Speaking of apples our California office in Corralitos is in between Aptos and Watsonville.  Now overtaken by berries, many of the apple orchards and packing houses remain.  Many grow for Martinelli and their amazing sparkling cider but there a few remain committed to the heirloom varieties that thrived “in the day.”  So, if you are looking for Gravenstein, Mitsu, or any of a number of heirloom apple varieties, they are in our backyard. We can send samples, check brix, and supervise the load if necessary. Then there’s the persimmons and concord grapes, but that’s another story.  


   We Wheat were grown Rye and eaten Buckwheat in China Millet 5,000 years Canola ago.  We Adzuki Bean helped mountain Horse Bean dwellers survive hard winters and Beet merchant sailors Radish complete Cauliflower long voyages.  Treat us Arugula like a vegetable or an Polygonum herb, but be Celery sure to eat us Mint promptly to enjoy us Sunflower at our Perilla peak of flavor and nutrition. Try us! Barley; Try different ones of us, Fennel try us Fenugreek all different ways, because we’re Leeks trendy, cute, tasty and unbelievably good for you.  Some of us Mung Bean are larger and meatier, some Turnip thin and delicate.  We Chrysanthemum are crunchy, nutty, tender, fresh, mild, sweetish, spicy, peppery; trimmed or natural.  Exceptionally rich Mizuna in vitamins, minerals, high quality Onion protein, and enzymes, you can eat us Alfalfa raw in sandwiches, salads, or simply dressed, or enjoy us Broccoli steamed, boiled or stir fried.  Do be careful Lentils and don’t try to grow us Chard from commercial garden packets – we Corn need a special start and Chinese Cabbage they’ve been treated with stuff Mustard you don’t want to eat.  Also, those of us Peas that are legumes should be consumed Chick Pea raw in small quantities; some Soybean toxicity can be present.      

Answer to last weeks quiz…CHIVES…Congrats to all winners!

Call 908-789-4700 –Lisa or Richard– Fax 908-789-4702 Visit us at “like” us @ Culinary Specialty Produce on Facebook© Culinary Specialty Produce, Inc., 2020