Market Notes
July 4th, 2024




It’s the 4th of July, let’s look to the sky, and watch all the fireworks explode

While the fires on the ground are as easily found, as our planet starts to implode

It’s the 4th of July, let’s eat apple pie, and enjoy being good GI Joe

And remember the brave ones, who used voices and guns, to make all our freedoms so

It’s the 4th of July, and many will cry, as they ponder the fight was for naught

Our freedoms are changing, government re-arranging, has our future been bought

It’s the 4th of July, and airplanes will fly, streaming colors of red, white, and blue

But when elections are staged,  and the silenced press is in rage, then what will we do

It’s the 4th of July, and of course we will try, to speak out and let freedom ring

But democracy will tremble,  as our leaders start to resemble, quite a different thing

It’s the 4th of July and the law will stand by, as we light off our rockets’ that roam

Red ashes may scatter, but what does it matter, when the law and justice have flown

It’s the 4th of July, and of course we’ll get by, and one way or another we’ll be mended

Be it yes, be it no, one thing we will know, this is not what our founders intended

From us and ours to you and yours, wishing you a happy, healthy, safe holiday



   Considered an ornamental plant, I am native to South America, and though I am quite pretty, I am useful as well.  Let’s start from the top and work our way down.  I am a flower, and edible flower when grown for culinary uses, delicate and beautiful in shades of bright yellow, orange, or red.  I am always used fresh and add a spicy peppery zing to fresh salads.  I am so versatile I can be used as a drink garnish or stuffed and deep fried. Moving down, my buds can be pickled in Tarragon vinegar and used in place of capers.  My leaves can be used fresh or sautéed in olive oil with shallots as served as warmed greens.  But wait, there’s more!  In several of my varieties I produce an odd shaped tuber called Anu, a mild non-acid potato like starch which can be consumed after ten minutes of boiling.  Finally,  I have great medicinal properties.  I have been used as a stimulant, expectorant, antiscorbutic, and a diuretic as well as a topical remedy.  I have recently become part of a lotion used to prevent hair loss.  Even my seeds can be used as a purgative.  In botanical Latin I mean watercress, but that’s definitely not what I am all about.


  The answer to last weeks quiz is…TARAGON….Congrats to all winners
Call 908-789-4700 –Lisa, Matty, or  Richard– Fax 908-789-4702
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