Culinary Specialty
Culinary Specialty Produce Inc. is a full-line specialty produce broker. We scour the world for the very best in specialty produce. Whether it’s old heirloom varieties, new hybrids, or medicinal herbs, Culinary Specialty Produce is on the cutting edge when it comes to procuring the best quality in the specialty produce market.
We hope the information on this site will spark your imagination and expand your knowledge of specialty produce. Be sure to check out our weekly “produce quiz” and “hot sheet” so you can test your knowledge and be informed on the latest and best specialty produce available.
What we Offer
Market NotesNovember 21st, 2024 YUMA GLOOMA Several weeks ago, just after the transition, the fields in Yuma, Arizona got a serious drenching. This set back production a bit and caused prices to increase. It also limited quality which caused many rejections...
Aug 1st, 2024
Market NotesAug 1st, 2024 POTATO NOTES FROM ALL OVER This seems to be a bit of a transition week with some things ending, others beginning, while others going in for repair and others taking a break. All this will settle down in a week....
Root vegetables
Root vegetables are plant roots used as vegetables. Here "root" means any underground part of a plant. Root vegetables are generally storage organs, enlarged to hold energy in the form of Carbohydrates. Our Stock Candy Stripped Beets Round Carrots Mixed Pack Cooked...
Baby Squashes & Other Imports
Asparagus Mix Pack Snap Peas Variety Pack White Asparagus Green Patty Pan Snow Peas Green Zucchini Haricot Vert Yellow Patty Pan Tiger Squash Yellow Zucchini
Potato is a cool-season vegetable that ranks with wheat and rice as one of the most important staple crops in the human diet around the world. The white potato is referred to as the "Irish potato" because it is associated with the potato famine in Ireland in the 19th...
The lettuce plant has a very short stem initially, but when it gradually blooms, the stem and branches lengthen and produce many flower heads that look like those of dandilions, but smaller. This is referred to as bolting. When grown to eat, lettuce is harvested...
Seasonal Wild and Weird
Cattail Shoots- This wonderful plant is a virtual gold mine of survival utility. It is a four-season food, medicinal, and utility plant. What other plant can boast eight food products, three medicinals, and at least 12 other functional uses? Fiddlehead Ferns- A young,...
Nutritionally, peppers vary depending on the variety and stage of maturity. In general, all peppers are a good source of vitamin A and C; the red ones are bursting with these two antioxidants. Antioxidants are a group of nutrients that neutralize free radicals in the...
Tropical Fruits
Strictly speaking the word tropical refers to the tropics, which is the area of earth centered on the equator and limited in the North by the Tropic of Cancer and in the south by the Tropic of Capricorn. This tropical zone stretches from 23.4 º North latitude to 23.4...
Mushrooms provide our bodies with the nutrients, proteins, minerals, and vitamins it needs to generate energy and repair cells. They are one of the most remarkable elements for a healthy immune system. They have been used to cure or improve eyesight, hearing,...
The culinary use of flowers dates back thousands of years with the first recorded mention being in 140 B.C. Many different cultures have incorporated flowers into their traditional foods. Oriental dishes make use of daylily buds and the Romans used mallow, rose and...
Tomato may refer to both the plant (Solanum lycopersicum) and the edible, typically red, fruit which it bears. Originating in South America, the tomato was spread around the world following the spanish colinization in the Americas, and its many varieties are now...
Mesclun is a mixture of young greens. In addition to including lettuce, it may have things like spinich along with savory chicory and sometimes edible flowers as well. Many cultures have a tradition of mesclun consumption, especially in the spring, when fresh new...
Blackberry- The fruit is very dark purple with smooth, fragile skin. In the middle of the cluster is a greenish-white core that extends to almost the bottom of the berry. Blackberries can be easily confused with raspberries, but raspberries (including black...
Spices & Herbs
Achiote Paste Fenugreek Seed Black Peppercorns Allspice Fine Herbs Five Blend Peppercorns Allspice Ground Five Spice Powder Four Blend Peppercorns Anise Seed Galanga Slices Peppercorns Green Annatto Seed Garam Masala Green Freeze Peppercorn Arrowroot Granulated Garlic...
Salad Dressing
Sweet & Sour Bacon Low Fat Blue Cheese Pepper Parmesan Balsamic Vinaigrette Caesar Ranch Low Fat Balsamic Vinaigrette Honey Mustard Spinach Salad Blue Cheese Low Fat Honey Mustard
Arborio Rice Domestic Botan Style (For Sushi) Sticky Purple Rice Arborio Rice Italian Brown Rice Short Grain Bhutanese Red Rice Baby Basmati Rice Carnaroli Rice Wild Rice Blend Brown Basmati Rice Chinese Black Rice Broken Wild Rice White Basmati Rice Red Himalayan...
Pasta and Noodles
Acini de Pepe Rice Sticks (Flat) Vermicelli Rice Sticks Cellophane Noodles Lai Fen Rice Sticks (Med) Soba Noodles Egg Noodles Poalee Rice Sticks (Thin) Soba Noodles (Green Tea) Chao Ching Rice Sticks
Pasta Bases
Artichoke Powder Porcini Paste Spinach Powder Asparagus Powder Pumpkin Powder Squid Ink Beet Powder Saffron Powder Tomato Powder
Nuts & Seeds
Almond Flour Macadamia Nuts Black Sesame Seeds Roasted Chestnut Flour Pecan Meal Toasted Sesame Seeds Roasted Hazelnut Flour Pepitas White Sesame Seeds Hulled Hemp Seed Pine Nuts Sunflower Seeds Roasted Hemp Seed Shelled Pistachio Kernels Walnut...
Mushroom Blends
Culinary Blend Shiitake, Oyster, Chanterelle, Morel, Porcini, Bolete, Lobster, & Sliced Shiitake European Blend Chanterelle, Morel, Porcini, Bolete, Lobster, Black Trumpet, & Sliced Shiitake Forest Blend Shiitake, Oyster, Porcini, Boletes, Woodear, &...
Dried Mushrooms
Bamboo Mushroom Chanterelle Porcini B Black Trumpet Kibbled Chanterelles Porcini B Cepes Diced Black Trumpet Chanterelle Powder Porcini Extra A Culinary Blend Cloud Ears Porcini Extra AA European Blend Cuitlacoche (Corn Smut) Sliced Portobella Forest Blend Hen of the...
Alfalfa Seed Medium Couscous Toasted Orzo Amaranth Middle Eastern Couscous Tri-Colored Orzo Amaranth Puffed Organic Couscous Tuxedo Blend Orzo Barely Black Traditional Couscous Quinoa Barely Pearled Whole Wheat Couscous Black Quinoa Buckwheat Flour Brown Flax Seed Rye...
Dried Fruit
Diced Apple Diced Mangos SDT Julienne # SO2 (B) Apple Rings Sliced Mango SDT Diced # SO2 (C) Diced Apricots Diced Papaya SDT Diced #SO2 (E) Triple Turkish Apricots Papaya Spears SDT Fine Chop #SO2 (F) Banana Chips Papaya Spears SDT Double Diced #2 SO2 Whole Bananas...
Corn Products
Corn Husks (for Tamales) White Course Polenta Purple Posole Blue Corn Meal White Fine Polenta Red Posole Red Corn Meal Fine Instant Polenta White Posole Corn Sweet (Freeze Dried) Blue Posole Giant White Posole Masa Harina Indian Posole Yellow...
Dried Chilies
Aji Amarillo Green Chile (Pasado) Green Bell Pepper Powder Aji Mirasol Guajillo Red Bell Pepper Powder Aji Panca Habenero California Powder Amazon Chile Habenero (Mexican) Chipotle Brown Powder Ancho Standard QTLY Japones Chipotle Morita Powder Ancho First Quality...
Dried Beans and Lentils
Adzuki Jackson Wonder Blackeye Peas Black Adzuki Jacob's Cattle/Trout Split Green Peas Anasazi Dark Red Kidney Whole Green Peas Appaloosa Light Red Kidney Pigeon Pea Fermented Black Crimson Lentil Flour Split Red Peas Black Jade Soy Green Lentil Flour Split Yellow...